Welcome to Artists Against Donald Trump, a website for artists and other people with common sense and or fully functional brains to protest Donald Trump and his fascist agenda. With the onset of fascist regime's headed by narcissistic psychopaths there is usually an upsurge in dissent including great illustrations and caricatures of the less fortunate being sent to internment camps. And until Mr. Combover repeals the first ammendment we can all have a good laugh and the mentally deranged Russian spy that the russians have placed in charge of our country. Caricatures and other anti trump images are welcome. Feel free to submit images up until you are forced to immigrate to another country due to your failure to integrate with the Aryan race. And remember if you don't draw a funny trump picture now, you'll regret it when they tattoo a bar code on you later:)
Bienvenido a Artists Against Donald Trump, un sitio web para artistas y otras personas con sentido común y / o cerebros completamente funcionales para protestar contra Donald Trump y su agenda fascista. Con la aparición del régimen fascista encabezado por psicópatas narcisistas, suele haber un aumento en la disidencia, incluyendo grandes ilustraciones y caricaturas de los menos afortunados que son enviados a los campos de internamiento. Y hasta que el señor Combover derogue la primera enmienda, todos podemos tener una buena risa y el espía ruso mentalmente trastornado que los rusos han puesto a cargo de nuestro país. Las caricaturas y otras imágenes anti-triunfo son bienvenidas. Siéntase libre de enviar imágenes hasta que se vean obligados a emigrar a otro país debido a su falta de integración con la raza aria. Y recuerde si usted no dibuja un cuadro divertido del trunfo ahora, usted lo lamentará cuando tatúan un código de barras en usted más adelante :)
Paul Manafort at Wikipedia AP Exclusive: Before Trump job, Manafort worked to aid Putin
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," -Donald Trump
Howard Gardener Harvard Psychologist weighs in Vanity Fair article on Narcissism Impeach Donald Trump NOW!! Donald Trump's idiotic Civil War Comments List of world leaders with Mental Illness IMPEACHMENT!!! Constitution of the United States of America Trump reveals classified information to the Russians REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE BILL DERIVED FROM CHARLTON HESTON'S SOYLENT GREEN FILM, cannibalism will reduce the cost of meals on wheels and school lunches says Paul Ryan. Bill Clinton lawyer: My best advice for Trump Trump Shuts down the National Endowment for the Arts, it's because of the jabba the hutt drawing isn't it? Jahred Kushners growing stench of Treason